Official Website of the Camogie Association

 Ulster Camogie Council

Cumann Cam¾gaiochta na nGael Comhairle Uladh

This is a reminder that we are holding a High Performance Strategic Planning Night in Kellys, Ballygawley on Monday 21st April at 7.30pm.

The purpose of the night is to put in place a strategy for moving forward in Ulster at the elite end of the spectrum. We obviously want those at the top end of the performance ladder to attend to inform the debate and come up with the suggestions and ways forward. As such can I urge you to please ask your county coaches and managers to be in attendance!

To facilitate the break up into groups – can I ask you to forward the names of those attending by Wednesday of next week and which code they work with – then we can have the workgroups set up and it will mean we will maximise the outcome from the evening.


The key strategic themes will evolve around the following areas initially…. but more could evolve on the evening…….or happy to take any suggestions

 DRAFT working titles…..

À        Performance Facilites

À        Performance Support Services

À        Quality Coaches

À        Competitions

À        County Pathways to Elite Performance

À        Role of Education

À        Linkages with key partners

À        Sports Institute Role

This will be a round table session and we hope that the themes identified the issues around them discussed and then suggestions and timelines evolved as to how we move forward with solutions.

 The session is due to start at 7.30 sharp – and again your help in plotting this important pathway is crucial.

Kevin Kelly

Ulster Camogie Development Officer

Mid Ulster Sports Arena

Please forward names of those attending by Wednesday 16th to Bernie (


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