Official Website of the Camogie Association

Cairde Club Twinning Programme

Wed 29th May

Tara Gleeson


The Cairde Club Twinning Programme is an exciting new pilot initiative by the Camogie Association designed to pair clubs based on similar contexts, such as rural or urban settings, to foster mutual support and collaboration. Through Cairde, clubs can exchange knowledge, share resources, and work together to strengthen the Camogie community at the grassroots level.

What is the Cairde Club Twinning Programme?

Cairde, meaning “Friends” in Irish, is a pilot programme that pairs Camogie clubs to enhance collaboration and support. The goal is to help clubs learn from each other, share best practices, and grow together. Whether your club is new, struggling, or thriving, Cairde offers a structured framework to foster meaningful partnerships and development.

Why Join Cairde?

  • Collaboration: Work closely with a paired club to address common challenges and achieve mutual goals.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Exchange valuable insights and best practices in areas such as coaching, governance, fundraising, and community engagement.
  • Resource Sharing: Access shared resources and support to enhance club operations and activities.
  • Community Building: Build lasting relationships and strengthen the sense of community within the sport. You may also get a challenge game or two!

How Does Cairde Work?

  1. Application: Clubs submit an application via Microsoft Forms, detailing their context, strengths, and areas where they seek support.
  2. Pairing: Based on the applications, clubs are paired with a suitable twin club that matches their context and needs.
  3. Meeting: An initial kick-off meeting introduces the paired clubs, establishes goals, and sets the framework for collaboration.
  4. Ongoing Collaboration: Clubs engage in regular communication, joint activities, and collaborative projects.
  5. Evaluation: Periodic evaluations ensure progress, provide feedback, and highlight successes.

Apply for the Cairde Programme

Ready to join Cairde? Follow these simple steps to apply:

  1. Fill Out the Application Form: Provide details about your club, including its strengths and areas for development.
  2. Submit Your Application: Click the link below to access the application form and submit your details.
  3. Get Paired: Once matched, you will be notified and introduced to your twin club.

Apply Now

Closing date is Monday 10th June at 5pm.


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the project coordinator:

Thank you for your interest in the Cairde Club Twinning Programme! We look forward to receiving your application.

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