Official Website of the Camogie Association


The GAA’s Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) programme, a joint initiative with the HSE has been adopted by the Camogie Associaton for all units.

The mission of the ASAP Programme is to promote healthy life-choices by reducing the harm caused by the misuse of alcohol and other drugs. Since its inception five years ago the programme has developed a wealth of educational materials and resources that are available to all GAA and camogie clubs across the country. 

Key amongst these are the ASAP manual and further information available on which aims to enable clubs to best deal with drug and alcohol related issues.Check the Camogie Administration and Development section to download information.

The ASAP programme, through its National Coordinator , 32 County Officers and national network of club ASAP officers, aspires to educate GAA members and the wider community about the realities of alcohol and drug misuse, to promote best health practices in the area, and to provide all the support necessary should an individual develop a problem related to alcohol or substance misuse.
Under the GAA Strategic Vision and Action Plan 2009-2015, each club and county board have been set the task of adopting a Drug and Alcohol policy. In addition, all clubs have also been tasked with ensuring an active ASAP officer is in place by the end of 2012.

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