The World Mini Games 2013, has this week launched a competition to Design the Mascot for this year's Games. The competition is open to everyone, and whether a rough representation in crayon, or a computer drawn intricate design, all will have a chance of winning as the Games organisers are looking for inspiration more than anything else.
The winning entry will not only see their design come to life, but will also win an iPad for themselves and a €1000 sports voucher for the Club, School, College or Organisation of their choice.
There will be 2 qualifiers picked each Friday for the next 3 weeks, and the winner will be chosen on Friday, 26th of April, and there is no limit on the number of entries, so get drawing.
The World Mini Games, featuring over 30 adult sports, the 2nd Irish Sports Summit in Cork City Hall, a Sport and Lifestyle Expo in Cork County Hall, and fantastic family programme on Cork's Carrigrohane Road, is set to welcome thousands of visitors to Cork from the 23rd to the 25th of August. Entry to all the sports events is open to participants of every level and ability.
To find out more details about entering the competition, or for more information on the Games please visit