A mini blitz was held in Brussels where players from Munster and Leinster based in Belgium took on players from the ‘Rest of the World’ who are also based in Belgium. The ‘Rest of World’ team won out on the day with the team including players originally from Germany, Roscommon, Sligo, Galway, Donegal, France, Derry and Belgium. The next round of the European Camogie Championship takes place in Zurich on 24th May. Belgium players pictured above.
Other items in the Development News Round up include:
Ø Hurl Smart Week – 2nd-8th June.
Ø Lenovo Skills Hub
Ø Tyrone Goalkeeping Workshop
Ø Hurl With Me Programmes- Cork & Tyrone
Ø Irish News Young Club Volunteer of Year
Ø Coaching Course coming up in Offaly
Ø Armagh May Day Games Blitz
Ø Down 2nd Level Blitz day
Ø Upcoming events
Hurl Smart Week- 2nd -8th June
The Camogie Association in conjunction with the Nutrition and Health Foundation are running their annual Hurl Smart Week form the 2nd-8th June.
Run a ‘Hurl Smart Week’ in your club and be in with the chance to bring your club camogie under 12 team to Croke Park in October!
Just register your clubs interest, run a ‘Hurl Smart Week’, submit a report of events and you could be in with a chance to play in Croke Park.

Lenovo Skills Hub
This Gaelic games initiative sponsored by Lenovo is a mixed camp for teenage boys and girls aged 13-15 years. Top inter county players will coach on the Lenovo skills hub for the 4 days. The hurling/camogie camps take place in Carlow, Dublin, Offaly, Clare, Waterford, Cork, Limerick and Tipperary. The launch took place on the 6th May in Croke Park. Register on www.gaa.ie/lenovoskillshub

Lenovo Skills Hub Launch
Tyrone Goalkeeping Workshop
An excellent 'Coaching the Goalkeepers' CPD workshop for all club coaches held on Tuesday 29th in Derrytresk GAC, Tyrone. 16 attended the workshop delivered by Ulster Camogie's Coach and Talent ID Development Officer Niall Jackman.

Tyrone Goalkeeping Workshop
Hurl with Me Programmes
The first week of a 6 week Hurk with me programme took place on 1st May in St Fanahans Camogie Club, Co. Cork. Thanks to funding from Cork LSP the programme will run for 6 weeks. There were 12 parents and 14 daughters taking part in the session on the first night. Tutor for the programme is Shane Cahill.

St.Fanahans Hurl with Me Programme Cork
The Naomh Bríd Brocagh Camogie club, Tyrone started a 'Come Hurl With Me' programme on the 6th May tutored by Camogie RDO Ger Gribben. The heavy rain couldn't dampen the spirits of the girls and their parents with an excellent number attending. Almost 30 parents and 30 girls participated. Everyone looking forward to next week already! Don't forget to bring a friend!!

Naomh Brid Brocagh Hurl With Me Programme
Irish News Young Club Volunteer of the Year Award
Congratulations to Killeavy GAA and Camogie Club's young member Glenn McKeown on winning the Irish News Young Club Volunteer of the Year Award for 2014. Glenn has achieved his Goldmark Gold Volunteering Award with the Killeavy GAA and Camogie club.

Glenn McKeown receiving his award
In other Killeavy news congratulations to the Camogie Club who fielded at senior level for the first time in many years after re-forming their underage Camogie section a couple of years ago.

Killeavy senior camogie team who have refielded after many years of absence
Offaly Coaching Course
A foundation coaching course- Camán Get a Grip will take place on the 17th May in Tullamore Co.Offaly. Place are limited so book as soon as possible with Lizzie Flynn on lflynn@camogie.ie or on 087 6436579
Armagh May Day Go Games Blitz
78 children from 5 clubs attended a blitz in St Enda's Camogie Club Derrymacash, Lurgan St.Enda’s, Loch Mór, Ballymacnab, Seán Treacy's and Clan na Gael were the clubs involved. Special word of thanks to Matt O'Hagan and all the St Enda's Camogie Club.

Down Second level Blitz
Almost 90 1st year girls from Down Second Level Schools attended a blitz hosted by the Sacred Heart Grammar school in Newry on 30th April last. Schools that attended included Assumption Grammar Ballynahinch, Sacred Heart Grammar Newry, St Mark’s Warrenpoint, St Malachy’s Castlewellan, St Louis Kilkeel and Our Lady and St. Patrick's College, Knock, Belfast.
Sacred Heart Grammar School

St.Louis Kilkeel

S.Marks Warrenpoint
Upcoming Events
Ø First Whistle Course in Kilcormac Killoughey in Offaly on 10th May. To book contact lflynn@camogie.ie or phone/text name, club and contact to 087 6436579
Ø A come & try it Day will take place this coming Friday the 9th May in Tralee IT for all Kerry primary schools. Coaching will be provided by the Institute of Technology Tralee students. There are already 110 registered for the day. For more details contact ross@camogie.ie
Ø O’Duffy Cup to visit Sligo next week at a primary school blitz day in Geevagh on Tuesday the 13th May. Contact yvonne@camogie.ie
Ø Athlone Institute of Technology Camogie Academy taking place next Wednesday the 14th May in Athlone IT. This is a 6 week programme for local schools and will run from 6.30pm-7.30pm each Wednesday. Contact lfynn@camogie.ie for more information