Eamon Ryan Cork takes parents in St.Colum’s Club as part of the ‘You & Me play Camogie’ initiative that started this week. This 6 week programme will get parents active through showing them the basis skills of the game and also a nutritional talk will be provided for both the parents and daughters on healthy eating for sports participation.
Other items in the Development News Round up include:
Ø Hurl Smart Week
Ø Puc Fada- Galway
Ø Mayo National School Blitz
Ø Upcoming summer camps in Dublin & Wicklow
Ø Come Hurl with me Programmes- Cork
Ø Book your place on the Lenovo Skills Hubs taking place this summer
Ø Tipperary club school Link Blitz
Ø Pictures of Mini games and Camán and Run from the Ulster camogie finals
Hurl Smart Week
Well done to all the clubs that ran a hurl smart week last week from 2nd-8th June!

Glynnbarntown, Wexford
Conahy, Kilkenny

Killeavy, Armagh

Nutritional talk at Ballygarvan, Cork
Geraldines, Antrim
Puc Fada
The Galway puc fada took place in Kilrickle pitch on Tuesday the 3rd June with 20 participants taking part in total. Caitriona Daly, Mullagh won the event with Sarah Healy from St.Thomas in second place.

1st place in Galway Puc Fada Caitriona Daly, Mullagh Camogie Club
Mayo National School Blitz
The Connacht centre of excellence provided the venue for a Mayo Camogie national school blitz on Friday the 6th June. Over 120 girls participated on the day from 10 schools. Tooreen National school won the division 1 competition with Kilmovee National School winning the division 2. Kitty Morley chairperson of Mayo county board presented the winning teams with their shields on the day. For more information on camogie in Mayo contact yvonne@camogie.ie

Tooren NS- Div 1 winners

Kilmovee NS- Div 2 winners
Upcoming summer camps in Dublin & Wicklow
Book you place on the camps below by contacting eve@camogie.ie
Type of Camp/ Age group
Come Hurl with Me Programmes- Cork
St Fanahans
St Fanahans Camogie Club in Mitchelstown, Cork completed their 6 week Come Hurl With Me programme on Wednesday June 4th with 8 mums and dads completing the full course and are now actively involved in assisting with coaching at u6 and u8 level in the club. Shane Cahill tutored on the programme.

Carrigaline Camogie club in Cork began a 6 week Come Hurl With Me programme on Saturday June 7th with 10 mums and dads attending and doing a great job on coaching the grip and swing. The programme runs for 6 weeks inline with the clubs Street League programme.
Lenovo Skills Hub
The Lenovo GAA Skills Hub is a nationally co-ordinated Gaelic Games programme of skill development activities taking place in a positive playing environment, providing boys and girls aged 13 -15 with the opportunity to derive maximum enjoyment from their involvement in Gaelic Games with a view to
- maximising participation
- optimising playing standards
- ensuring that players’ needs are catered for in a balanced and holistic way.
Inter county players will be actively involved in the day to day activities of the Skills Hub.
See www.lenovoskillshub.gaa.ie/ for more information
Check out video on:
Tipperary 1st & 2nd Class Club-School Link Blitz
45 girls from Templemore & Borrisoleigh national schools in Tipperary participated in a blitz day in Borrisoleigh on Monday June 9th with Munster RDO Ross Corbett and Limerick Institute of Technology club-school link work placement student Donnacha O Brien. The blitz took place as an end to a 12 week club-school link programme that Donnacha completed in the North Tipperary schools. Next week sees a 3rd & 4th class blitz for all schools involved in the programme.
Tipperary Blitz day
Pictures of Mini games and Camán and Run from the Camogie Ulster finals