Phase 2 of the Under 15 competition will take place in Portlaoise, county Laois on Saturday the 4th October next. 7 counties and 8 teams will take part on the day. Counties include: Westmeath, Wicklow, Carlow, Laois, Armagh, Tyrone and Kildare. This is the first year of a competitive structure at this age group. Phase 1 of the competition took place in Portlaoise on 30th August with Cork winning the Cup and Antrim winning the shield on the day. More information on fixtures for the competition will be in development news next week.

Cork-Under 15 phase 1 Cup winners

Antrim- Under 15 Phase 1 shield winners
Other development news this week include:
Ø Coach Education
Ø NUIG ‘Sport agus Spraoi’ event
Ø Wicklow Primary Blitz
Ø Up coming events
Coach Education
Level 2 under development
Camogie are currently undertaking the development of a Level 2 coaching course. The first course will take place this November with the next course in early 2015. Coaches that have completed the Camán Get a Grip foundation course and Camán Get Hooked Level 1 course will be eligible to attend this Level 2 course that will include assessment.
Coaching Ireland National Coaching Forum
The 11th National Coaching Forum will take place at Institute of Technology Sligo, 26th-27th of September 2014. This Forum promises to be the biggest and most extensive gathering of professionals and volunteers involved in Sport Coaching. The Forum will attract coaches, physical education teachers, sports scientists, National Governing Body personnel and policy makers. Leading National and International presenters will take part in this event titled "Fun to Full Potential – Coaching the Whole Athlete".
For more information on the 11th National Coaching Forum visit
Book a Coaching Course
County boards and county development officers can now apply for foundation level courses for Winter 2014 and Spring 2015.
Any club with coaches wishing to attend a coaching course should contact their county board or county development officer to book places on the next scheduled coaching course in their county.
Courses must be applied for minimum 5 weeks in advance of requested course date.
All Courses must be paid for in full at least 1 week before course commencement date.
Cost of Caman Get a Grip Foundation course:
· Foundation course half course (minimum 12, maximum 15 participants) = €300
· Full Foundation course (minimum 20, maximum 24 participants) = €480
If you require more information on Caman Get Hooked Level 1 coaching course please contact your Camogie Regional Development Officer.
To Apply for a foundation course please click on the following link:
NUIG ‘Sport agus Sproai’ Event
National university of Ireland Galway will host a second year 7 a side Camogie blitz for secondary schools in Connacht.

Date: Thursday 2nd of October 2014
Time: 10:30am – 1pm
Venue: Dangan Sports Grounds
For more information contact:
Wicklow Primary Blitz
A camogie Cumann na mBunscol Blitz was held in Wicklow on Wednesday the 24th September. 7 schools took part in the blitz. Schools included Kilcoole,Moneystown, Rathdrum, Bearne Chle, Newtown, Scoil Chualann and St.Fergals. Over 100 girls took part in total. The Blitz was organised by Emer Fahy Cumann na mBunscol in conjunction with Eve Talbot Regional development Officer for Wicklow.

Group photo of Wicklow Blitz
Up Coming….
Ø Code of Ethics Course
A Code of Ethics Course will take place in Kilcormack Community Centre Offaly on Monday 13th October. The course will cost €10 per person. Contact to book a place on the course.
Ø Coaching Workshop Cork
On Tuesday September 30th an u12’s coaching workshop will take place in Meelin one of Cork’s newest clubs. The workshop will cover speed of striking and improving first touch and catching. For more information contact
Ø Waterford Junior Colleges Blitz
Waterford Camogie board are holding their first junior colleges blitz on Wednesday October 1st in Dungarvan GAA. This initiative in its first year is made possible through funding from the Munster Camogie council grant. Over the course of the year the Co. Board will run 2 blitzes for junior colleges and 2 for senior colleges with the view of developing a Waterford Colleges competition in the future.