Evaluation of Government Grant Support Scheme to Inter County Camogie and Ladies Football Players
The Camogie Association, Ladies Gaelic Football Association and the WGPA invite tenders to undertake an independent and objective evaluation of the two-year Government Grant Support Scheme to intercounty Camogie and Ladies Football Players
The Support Scheme involves the provision of grant aid of €1m over two playing seasons (2017 and 2018), to be distributed equally to all highest-grade county teams participating in National League and/or All-Ireland Championship competitions. Over 50 grants will be issued to County Boards in both years of the grant.
The Support has three primary objectives; namely to assist with:
- Injury Prevention and Medical Cover
- Maximising Player and Team Performance
- Access to Training Facilities
The timeframe for submission of the final evaluation report is September 2018, commencing in September 2017 on award of contract. The project will involve the submission of an interim report on the first year of the Scheme in February 2018.
The maximum budget for the work is €25,000 (incl. VAT).
This is inclusive of all expenses, travel, subsistence and administration. Any quotations exceeding this amount will not be evaluated.
The successful tenderer will
- Provide details of relevant experience in conducting evaluation is sports or relevant fields
- Provide details of relevant qualifications in delivering on all aspects of the tender
- Provide two referees associated with the two most appropriate pieces of work
- Work in accordance will the objective set for the tender evaluation
For further information please refer to this Information Document
Tender submissions should be sent to
Closing date 15th September 2017 at 5pm