Nutrition and Health Foundation and Camogie Association launch the first “Move Smart Week” 2012
Three out of Four Nine-Year Old Children Don’t Get Enough Physical Activity
The Nutrition & Health Foundation today (28th June, 2012) launched the first annual ‘Move Smart Week’, in partnership with the Camogie Association. The week runs from 2nd to 8th July 2012 and there is a programme of activities for all ages, males and female in a number of clubs across Ireland as well as tips on the website to encourage people to ‘Move Smart’, get more active and be healthier.
Move Smart Week complements the NHF’s Annual Eat Smart Week which took place in April 2012. Activities are free and open to members and non members of camogie clubs. Fun activities for all adults and children of all ages and genders include Wall Ball Marathon and an Olympic skills star Challenge. A full list of activities can be found at: and
Speaking at the launch, Dr. Muireann Cullen, Manager of the NHF said:
“We are delighted to launch this partnership and the first ‘Move Smart Week’ with the Camogie Association. Obesity costs €1.6 billion per year and will escalate if this national health issue is not addressed. 37% of Irish Adults are overweight and 24% are obese . Results from the GUI study confirm that a sizeable proportion of nine-year-old children in Ireland are overweight: 30% of girls and 22% of boys. . Only half (51%) of children exercise four or more times per week . This is no surprise when three out of four 9 year old children don’t get the World Health Organisation / National Physical Activity guidelines recommended level of physical activity of 60 minutes per day. Only 21% of girls meet this recommended amount of daily activity .
“Move Smart Week aims to encourage people all over Ireland to get active, even just a little per day. One in 10 children watch three or more hours of television on an average weekday and 66% watch for between one and three hours . If some of this TV time was substituted for 60 minutes of a moderate level of activity, we could reverse the obesity epidemic and give our children a healthier, happier future.
“Yes, these facts are alarming and we need to address our lifestyle choices – moving smart is a good start”.
Aileen Lawlor, President of the Camogie Association said:
“The Camogie Association is delighted to launch the first annual ‘Move Smart’ week with the Nutrition and Health Foundation. We acknowledge the importance of Nutrition and Exercise in our day to day lives and especially in the lives of our children. Research shows that we must take action and lead the way in encouraging adults and children to exercise more frequently and eat more healthily.
“As President of the Camogie Association I would like to take the opportunity to encourage everyone to get out doors and have fun while exercising, particularly during ‘Move Smart Week’. Why not seek out a Camogie club near you as there are 549 clubs all over Ireland so there is bound to be one on your doorstep. Camogie is a great way to make friends, have fun and get plenty of exercise ensuring a healthier lifestyle.
“Obesity is something we can reverse, so why not see what is going on in your area between the 2nd and the 8th July, get active and ‘Move Smart’ to be a fitter, healthier person.
Click on the below link to view the launch video c/o Jerome Quinn Media
For further information, please contact:
For the Nutrition and Health Foundation:
Pauline Dooley
Murray Consultants
Tel: 01 498 0300 Mob: 087 773 9750
For the Camogie Association:
Claire Egan
Communications & Marketing Director
Te: 01 865 8618 Mob:087 9030755
Notes to Editor:
Pictured at the launch of Move Smart Week, President of the Camogie Association Aileen Lawlor and Dr Muireann Cullen, Manager of the Nutrition and Health Foundation
Images from today’s event are available c/o Murray Consultants
A ‘Moderate Level of Activity’ is reached when you are flushed, sweating slightly, heart beating faster and breathing harder.
About the NHF:
The Nutrition and Health Foundation (NHF) is an independent partnership of industry, government, State agencies, internationally recognised scientists, health professionals and relevant stakeholders working together to address Ireland’s lifestyle, nutrition and health challenges. The NHF communicates evidence based information on nutrition, health and physical activity to encourage an improved and healthier society in Ireland with key initiatives including their free Workplace Wellbeing Campaign, the annual NHF ‘Eat Smart Week’ and its annual Seminar which encourages debate on these core topics.
For further information, see
If you require information on ‘Move Smart Week’ in a specific region please contact the following Regional Development Co-ordinators directly:
Westmeath, Longford, Offaly, Roscommon: Lizzie Flynn: Ph: 087 643 6579, Email:
North Leinster/South Ulster: Gerard Gribben: Ph: 087 273 3847, Email:
South Leinster: Patrick Mullaney: Ph: 087 414 6933, Email:
Munster: Deirdre Murphy Ph: 087 6415485, Email:
Kildare/Dublin: Carol Nolan Ph: 085 112 8669, Email:
Leitrim, Donegal, Fermanagh: Yvonne Byrne: Ph: 087 623 5855, Email:
Galway, Mayo, Sligo: Caroline Murray: Ph: 087 125 1271, Email: