Latest Camogie News


Camogie Association Launches Disability Inclusion Policy

The Camogie Association is delighted to launch its first ever Disability Inclusion Policy. The policy has been developed in conjunction with Cara, the national sport inclusion organisation for people with disabilities and will be rolled out to all Camogie Units to improve the level of accessibility of Camogie to people with disabilities in particular through the implementation of the Cara Sport Inclusion Disability Charter and Disability Policy.

22nd Oct 2020

Kennedy keen to kick on

“In the middle of every difficulty, lies opportunity.”
– Albert Einstein

It feels wrong to pick positives out of a global pandemic that has taken lives, left physical and mental scars, crippled local and national economies and generally tested a greater percentage of the population more than any other plague, literal or metaphorical, in living memory.

17th Oct 2020