Official Website of the Camogie Association

Printing & Design Tender for Camogie Association

Thu 07th Dec 2023

Gill Waters


Procurement for the supply of Printing and Design services for the Camogie Association


  1. The Camogie Association is the national governing body for Camogie in Ireland and internationally (ref  It administers a range of national competitions and awards/events/activities each year.  The Association is now seeking to contract with a supplier (s) for the provision of design and print services to the Camogie Association. The duration of the contract will be for 24 months commencing from the date of agreement on terms and conditions, subject to annual review.

The Camogie Association’s objectives include the support of Irish industries.

*The specification of our requirements is outlined HERE. Please note this list is indicative as of December 2023 and actual requirements may vary.

Prospective suppliers are invited to submit a costed proposal for the full specification AND/OR for individual elements of it based on the above numbers. Prospective suppliers must outline if they are submitting costed proposals for Design & Print Management; Design Only; Print Management Only

Proposals must address the following;

  • costs to be indicated exclusive of VAT and listed in € (please also indicate the additional VAT rate applicable to all work)
  • design and printing costs to be indicated separately
  • delivery costs should be indicated separately
  • indication of discounts offered in context of a three year contract period
  • indication of discounts offered in context of being awarded the full contract
  • indication of usual payment terms & conditions
  • indicator of how the Camogie Association account would be managed by the supplier
  • provision of sample products as proposed by the supplier
  • contingency plans for production in event of unplanned eventuality on supplier’s side

 Consideration of proposals

 Proposals will be evaluated by reference to the following qualification criteria:

  • Completeness of tender documentation
  • Stated ability of tenderer to meet requirements set out in this procurement request
  • Receipt of proposal on or before the closing date for submission will be considered

Only those tenders that meet these criteria will be considered eligible for inclusion in the evaluation process. The contract will be awarded on consideration of the following criteria and while the Camogie Association is not restricted to awarding the contract (s) on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender solely, cost will be an important factor (work may also be split between suppliers across the various sections outlined above):

  • value for money
  • track record in similar provision of products
  • ability to deliver key outputs on time
  • costs breakdown
  • justification of proposed costs
  • best use of resources
  • approach to management of Camogie Association account
  1. Disclaimer

The contents of this document are not intended to be legally binding and are purely to provide an overview of the kind of terms that might be included in any eventual final agreement and to serve as a basis for discussion and negotiation. Consequently, it is subject to change and might not reflect the terms of any such final agreement.

  1. Closing date for proposals


Proposals should be submitted, preferably by email, FAO: Gill Waters to or by post to:

 Gill Waters,

Commercial & Communications Manager,

Camogie Association,

3rd Floor Westward House,

Russel St.,

Dublin 3

By no later than 5pm Thursday 15th January 2024.


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