Latest Camogie News

Colleges camogie fixtures

Colleges camogie fixtures

 Senior D Final on  4th March.   Colaiste Iasagain Dublin  V St Marys Macroom in The Ragg,  Thurles @ 1pm…

02nd Mar 2012
Legends 2012 tournament

Legends 2012 tournament

Legends 2012   The 2nd Legends Tournament throws in tomorrow (Saturday, March 3rd) at St Judes GAA Club, Dublin.  …

01st Mar 2012
Caman & Run Participants

Caman & Run Participants

  Congratulations to this year’s Caman & Run participants who will be taking part in the Caman & Run  solo…

27th Feb 2012
Weekend fixtures

Weekend fixtures

  A full weekend of fixtures lie ahead as the Minor championship throws in on Saturday while the Irish Daily…

23rd Feb 2012
February Ezine

February Ezine

Ashbourne & Purcell Cups Round Upb Waterford IT collected their fourth Ashbourne title after a hard fought win over University…

20th Feb 2012
Fixtures Update

Fixtures Update

 Please note the fixtures for the week of Feb 20 to Feb 26th. Please note this is a fixture update…

19th Feb 2012