Official Website of the Camogie Association

How To Get Involved

Here you will find, some simple steps in order to get your Social Camogie hub set up within your club.

Social Camogie Set Up Handbook

Note: Camogie Lead Co-Ordinator is

Link to Register:

  1. Identify the need for Social Camogie in your club or hub.
  2. Clubs should identify a minimum of two personnel to be involved in the programme for the club – to assist with game/training sessions and administration duties (e.g. insurance).
  3. Complete the registration form to agree that the club will abide by the ethos of the programme –
  4. Set a day and time for an introduction session (try not to clash with other activities in area).
  5. Advertise and promote Social Camogie on social media, community groups, local papers or any form possible.
  6. Source hurls, sliotars, bibs, cones and other training equipment that may be required
  7. Remember: participants must be minimum 25 years of age and not playing any form of competitive camogie.
  8. Each player must register as official Social Playing Members of the Camogie Association through their club registrar or foireann
  9. Clubs can host a first trial session using waivers, but the risk and liability lies with the club for every session players are not members or insured, The Social Camogie Registration fee is €6 through Foireann (see membership page).
  10. Social playing members must comply with insurance obligations as per rule 23.1. Insurance package available for Social Camogie Groups (see insurance page)
  11. Clubs must avail of insurance cover for the group. Clubs must also provide confirmation of the insurance cover to
  12. Once received you are registered, and public liability is in place as your club are fully registered and abide by Social Camogie Regulations.


All activities including blitzes, matches or other events must be pre-approved by the National Coordinator with at least ten days prior notice given.

Download the Ethos and Guidelines of Social Camogie HERE

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