Official Website of the Camogie Association

How To Get Involved

Here you will find, some simple steps in order to get your Social Camogie hub set up within your club.

Note: Camogie Lead Co-Ordinator is

Link to Register:

  1. Identify the need for Social Camogie in your club or hub.
  2. Clubs should identify a minimum of two personnel to be involved in the programme for the club – to assist with game/training sessions and administration duties (e.g. insurance).
  3. Contact to register your interest in setting up a Social Camogie programme.
  4. Sign the ethos form to agree that the club will abide by the ethos of the programme –
  5. Clubs should make contact with their insurance provider, to seek advice on insurance for running the programme – waivers are NECCESSARY for insurance purposes to avoid any issues. The waiver notes that Social Camogie is a recreational camogie activity and all players participating in same either play at their own risk or utilise private insurance or the club may opt to cover players with their own insurance. See information links below.
  6. Advertise and promote Social Camogie through local schools, shops, local businesses, social media, etc. (information will be provided following registration).
  7. Source sliotars, bibs and cones & other training equipment you may need i.e. hurls, helmets.
  8. It is essential that all participants sign a waiver prior to their first session. It is the co-ordinator’s responsibility to ensure this form is completed and submitted to
  9. Inform participants that Social Camogie is a recreational Camogie activity and all players participating in same either play at their own risk or utilise private insurance or the club may opt to cover players with their own insurance. The waiver must be completed even if players have insurance coverage with their insurance provider.
  • If additional players join throughout the term, continue to update your existing waiver and send it as updates arise. It is in the club’s best interest to have this done to avoid any insurance problems from participants. Note: This should have been agreed in your registration form.
  • If waivers are not received prior to the first session, the co-ordinator will receive an email stating the programme has been cancelled.
  • Participants must be over the age of 25 and must not currently play any form of competitive competition (Including senior, intermediate and junior) or inter county camogie. They cannot be a registered player with any competitive team.


Download your waiver form HERE

Gogans – Insurance Assistance Information Form

Willis Tower Watson – Insurance Assistance Information Form

Download the Ethos and Guidelines of Social Camogie HERE

Download our FAQs HERE

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